Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

The title is an expression from the Bible, but it's not restricted only to people who ascribe to the Bible and its teachings.

We’re not going to get into a religious argument here.

Happy coupleWe are all made with a wonderful capacity to love; to be happy; to be productive; to live a rewarding life. This is proven time and again simply by observing people.

We all know people who are happy; people who do good things; and, people who succeed in their lives without any explicit expression of any faith system. People have a capacity to make good decisions, to learn and practice good habits, to be kind, to prosper, and to otherwise be productive, contributing citizens in their communities.

So why is it that some people don't experience this productive life and others do?

Avoiding the temptation to launch a theological discussion here, I’m going to suggest that many people miss out on a fulfilling life because they allow themselves to become distracted by dwelling on one or more bad things that have happened to them.

Painful things happen. There's no avoiding that. But many of us relive those painful things over and over again as we dwell on the negative thoughts that pop into our minds. We do this so often that it becomes a habit – a habit of negativity.

This habit takes precedence and limits out ability to experience what we’re designed to experience. It's part of our nature – it’s how we’re made - that enables habits of that which we repetitively do. So when we dwell on the pain again and again, dwelling on the pain becomes a habit; and that habit leads to an unfulfilled life.

It doesn't have to be that way. There are simple things we can do to break this restricting habit and make new and unlimited habits.

That's what we're all about in Finding Personal Peace. Avoid the temptation to dismiss any idea that offers you a fulfilling life.

God bless,

P.S. Click here to learn more.

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