Monday, October 29, 2012

Like Water Off a Duck’s Back

Do you know people who go through life and NEVER get down? Whatever happens, they just shrug it off like “water off a duck's back.” Infuriating, isn't it?

Insult; shrug it off. Called a name; shrug it off. Lied about; shrug it off. Cheated; shrug it off. Ridiculed; shrug it off. Makes you want to just shake them; but they’d shrug that off too.

You walk down the same pathways they do. When the same things happen to you, you do a quick boil and either lash outwardly to put them in their place; or you lash inwardly and store up vaults of vile retribution that you'll use some day. It might not be so bad if it stopped there.

But, you dredge up the offenses again and again. You relive the pain again and again. You get angry, indignant, embarrassed, or whatever you felt the first time again and again.

And each time you revisit the pain, your emotions slid a little more down the path toward depression; toward stress; toward lashing out to try to transfer the pain to some place or someone else.

Why are some people able to deal with offensive actions like “water off a duck's back?”

It's simple. They control what they choose to think about; and they choose not to think about hurtful things. If a response is necessary, they can make a more reasoned response because their minds are not churning with anger and whatever else is there.

You can learn to react the same way. It's a process of breaking up an old habit and making a new habit that serves you better.

That takes a little time and a little effort. That's what we talk about in Finding Personal Peace.

God bless,

Rod Peeks

P.S. Become a “water-off-a-duck's-back” person today by clicking here.

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