Tuesday, October 30, 2012

RSS for Peace

ImageIn the Internet world, as you may know, RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. It is a clever and easy way that you can keep up with all the postings of any website you like without having to visit the site frequently to see what’s new. You can set up a Google Reader account and very easily attach an RSS feed from the website to your Google Reader. Then you go to the reader whenever you like and find out all the new postings on your favorite pages.

We’re changing that definition just a tiny bit. In our case, RSS means Real Simple Solution. It means that anyone who wants peace can find it without investing a lot of money or a lot of pain in finding it.

A popular trend in professional circles has you “working through” the painful events that are causing you to have anger, depression, anxiety, or whatever today. “Working through” means revisiting the pain and dealing with it with hours and hours of the professional’s help.

Dr. Richard Carlson, the author of “Stop Thinking, Start Living” argues persuasively that thinking about pain does not cause it to go away. He says that “negative emotions grow with attention.” He also says that “you can’t think yourself out of depression.”

So one choice is to pay someone a lot of money to assist you in augmenting your pain under the pretense of making it go away.

Another option is to accept medications designed to help you deal with (read mask) your pain.

Actually, most people, in view of the obvious lack of attraction of the prior two choices, just struggle along pretending life is normal as it is.

That’s a shame because the RSS for Peace is so simple that most people can’t accept that it works. The basic principle is that you have the authority to decide what you want to think about; and you can choose not to dwell on thoughts that cause negative emotions and cause you pain.

By the end of the first online session in Finding Personal Peace, you’ll know all you need to know to begin to experience peace. The remaining sessions give you the repetitions you need to make new habits; and give you reasons for believing in what you’re doing.

If you want a Real Simple Solution for peace, click here to learn more.

God bless,

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