Friday, October 26, 2012

What Price Peace?


There are two ways to calculate the cost of peace. One is to look at the cost of not having peace. I don't know how to put a value of the cost of stress, depression, broken relationships, addictions, and mental duress caused by having strife in our life instead of peace.

Another factor in the cost is the loss of jobs and opportunities because our stress inhibits us from healthy functioning.

A third factor is the cost of treatment; hundreds per hour for consultation and hundreds more each month for meds.

So the negative cost of NO PEACE can be substantial.

What about the cost of achieving peace? I don't know all the options available to you. I do know one and the cost of that is free. I mean monetarily free. You'll have to invest time and energy into the on-line course but there's nothing out-of-pocket.

If you like formulas, look at it this way.

If the cost of achieving peace < the cost of not having peace

then you decide which is better for you.

God bless,

P.S. If you want to start your quest for Personal Peace today, click here.

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