Sunday, February 3, 2013

Oh, For Just a Little Light

When one is in darkness, even a spark is blinding

Which Light is Yours?

Do you know about darkness?

Lately, I’m into reading about the World War II battles in the Pacific. One prohibition that every sailor carried with him was no smoking on deck at night. The glow from the business end of a cigarette could be seen for miles and could reveal the position of his ship to the enemy. It happened.
Have you ever been in total darkness? Like on a cave tour when they turn the lights out? When you literally can’t see your hand in front of your face?
Lots of people are like that emotionally. Their life is so dark that they can’t see what their next step should be. They are so hungry for a respite from the darkness and pain that they grope through the darkness for any relief including drugs, alcohol, and ultimately . . .
What they would give for just a spark of hope; for a moment of understanding; for a glimmer of understanding in an otherwise dismal situation.

Just a little light

I used the graphic of penlights to make this point. Every person’s light may be different – different shape, different duration, different intensity. But the common thread is that for the time that the light shines, there is hope – hope of an answer, hope of understanding, a hope of peace.

What’s the source of this little light?

It has to come from within. Sure, someone could shine a light on you and reveal important things in its beam. But that light is temporary. When the hand holding the light goes away, so does the light.
Coming from within means that you control the light. You can turn it on at will. You can turn it on as often as you like. You can shine the light here and you can shine it there across your emotional darkness.

Such power

When one is in darkness, even a spark is blinding. You can have the power to light that spark anytime you choose.
You can simply rest in the little spotlight for a time to relieve the pain.
You can use the illumination to make a reasoned decision affecting your future.
You can begin to see answers.
And when that light goes out, you can light it again; or you can light another light. It’s your choice – you have the power.

Somebody said, “Yeah, like I believe that!”

For several years, I walked in some darkness caused by an anger problem. I learned that I didn't have to give in to my angry thoughts. I didn't have to let them rule me; I could rule them.
Just like I did, you can learn how to rule over your dark emotional thoughts, regardless of what they are.
And when you shut down just one thought, for the moment it’s shut down, you have a moment of light; a moment of peace.
And that thought comes back; and you shut it down again.
What I learned, and what I've put into Finding Personal Peace, is that you develop a habit of shutting down that thought. And another thought. And even another thought. Any negative thought!
As you shut down more and more dark thoughts, you have more and more pen lights shining in your soul. Every day you can walk more and more in light rather than darkness.
You can make decisions from within the light that are better decisions than the ones you made from the darkness.
I can’t shine the light for you; and I wouldn't if I could. The light that I might shine is temporary for as long as I’m there.
What you want is to have your hand on the light switch in your life. You want to break the habit of letting the darkness rule. You want to make the habit of walking in the light of your own peace.
If you need more light, more peace, or if you know someone who does, visit Finding Personal Peace to learn how you can have what you need.
God bless,
Rod Peeks Light and Peace

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