Sunday, December 2, 2012

Find Your Star

[caption id="attachment_445" align="alignright" width="179"]Christmas star Searching for Your Peace Star[/caption]

I’m not going to try to argue whether the Three Wise Men from the East were real or whether they were part of the stories surrounding the birth of Christ.

For the purposes of this story, this could be true or it could be legend.

Far away to the East

The three kings were so rich that they didn't have to work for a living. They didn't have to go to the factory or to the brokerage office or the bank. It would fit the culture that while the masses worked, the kings devoted their lives to scientific study of the earth or the heavens.

Our three guys spent their nights looking at the stars and their days writing about anything they saw that was new.

On occasion, they saw a comet or that one of the nearby planets appeared to be especially bright. They identified the constellations as they moved across the heavens. They might see meteors or eclipses. When they saw something new, they tried to understand it based either on their prior observations or they would speculate on what it might mean.

One night they saw a really unusual sight. It was a star so bright that it had to have special meaning.

It was so special that they arranged to have their affairs managed by capable men and they packed up their entourage and headed west.

Living with a Passion

Day after day they traveled and night after night they checked on their special star.

They journeyed with a passion that was fired by the unknown meaning of the special star.

And according to the Matthew account, after a year or two, they found their way to the house where the Christ Child lived. They presented their gifts and worshiped Him.

The Missing Passion

What a shame it is that so many people live a life without passion. It has little to do with wealth or station; it has more to do with being fulfilled and complete.

If we have passion, even the setbacks are just speed bumps on the road to meaning in our life.

But without passion, it may be a struggle to just get out of bed.

Without passion, we may fall victim to looking for peace in all the wrong places.

Without passion, personal peace suffers.

Passion is possible for all of us

Always be looking for your special star; the star that could add passion to your life. It could appear at any moment – if it’s not hidden by negativity that often swirls around us.

Learning how to deal with the negativity the key to finding first peace, then passion. I’d love to share with you some of the things I’ve learned about restoring personal peace. Just click the link at the bottom.

Seek Passion – It’s Worth It

God bless,

Rod Peeks

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