Saturday, June 8, 2013

Help Someone You Love Deal with Stress Simply and Effectively

Help Someone You Love Deal with Stress Simply and Effectively
Stress is epidemic today. At its worst, stress is the knife-edge that pierces every fiber of our being. Even moderate stress makes virtually any relationship difficult to maintain. But there’s hope. You can deal with your stress in a simple and effective way right there in the privacy of your home computer, laptop, iPad, or smart phone.
Time Magazine describes stress as the cause of up to 85% of the physical illness in our country today.  Stress is often the natural consequence of dwelling on negative thoughts. Unchecked, it inevitably leads to serious illness and even death.
Stress can blind you to the reality around you. You simply can’t see a way out because the pain hurts too much to think rationally. People around you can suggest answers, but you can’t see them through the pain. It is all too easy to transfer your stress to other people at home or at work. If they would just leave you alone! It’s something that you have to work out yourself. You end up hurting all your important relationships because those who love you see solutions and may become frustrated with you because you can’t see them too.
The pain of stress makes the simple acts of getting out of bed too much to handle. It can lead to masking behaviors such as drinking or drugs. Intellectually, you know those things are destructive but at least you don’t feel the pain when you’re under the influence.
Most popular treatments include meds to alter your moods while encouraging you to relive or work through the painful experiences that caused your stress in the first place.
Ron Wilkins claims in “Removing Emotional Pain”, that stress is the natural result of “dwelling on negative thoughts.” If that’s the case, then the simple answer is “don’t dwell on negative thoughts!”
Very often such thoughts occur over and over again without any real-time provocation. The thoughts are an emotional recollection, just a memory, of a past painful event - sometimes many years in the past. When these memories pop into your mind as negative thoughts; and we mentally chew or ruminate on them; it can become just like the original incident all over again.
But, it’s a thought. It’s not happening all over again in most cases – it’s a memory.
The best way of addressing stress is so simple that many people have trouble accepting it. The most effective way to control the negative thinking that results in recurring stress is "simply choose not to think about it."
When a negative thought that you know leads to stress pops into your mind, simply say to yourself out loud, “I will not think about that.” Do it again if the idea pops up again.
When you realize that you’re starting to feel down because of something churning around your mind, simply say to yourself out loud, “I will not think about that.”
If you start to blame yourself because of something you’re only thinking about, simply say to yourself out loud, “I will not think about that.”
Someone said, “That’s easier said than done.”
Not really. You have the built-in authority to decide what you want to think about. If a thought causes you pain, don’t think that thought. It’s your choice! As you make that choice again and again, your subconscious remembers how you like to respond and will start to make your response automatically. It’s amazing how quickly this can happen.
Furthermore, you were made with a subconscious mind that has over time formed the opinion that you like being stressed.  In its effort to give you what you like, your subconscious gives you more and more thoughts that cause you stress when you dwell on them.
The process of choosing not to dwell on those thoughts will, over time, convince your subconscious that you do not want to think about that those things anymore. It’s this process that creates the habit of peace and breaks the habit of stress.
When that happens, you won't even realize you are thinking stressful thoughts because your subconscious handles them automatically before they become conscious thoughts.
Nothing could be more effective than having your subconscious mind handle your stress for you before you even think about it.
Resources you can use
Help someone you love deal effectively with stress. Take 3 minutes right now to learn more at
You can use this idea for just about any negative emotion or habit that bothers you including stress.
I hope Finding Personal Peace helps you with your stress as much as it helped me with my anger.
Help Someone You Love Deal with Stress Simply and Effectively
Rod Peeks
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